
Hello, my name is Miriam and I’m the owner and creator of Papermolas. I design art inspired by molas, a textile art form from the Guna Indians of Panama and Colombia. The mola is part of the traditional outfit of a Guna woman. Typical molas consist of patterned cotton pieces of clothing with cheerful color combinations, where modern geometric graphics are often predominant. My designs convey the basic looks of a mola, usually known as “the labyrinth,” and I combine that with everyday objects, animals or landmarks from cities I’ve lived in and surrounding areas. I started with making actual paper art, but it wasn’t sustainable for me because, not only was it time consuming, but also the demand wasn’t there. I transitioned to a digital medium and print my own art in my home office with a professional photo printer and inks. I also print my designs on greeting cards, coasters, magnets, keychains, and other things that people may be interested in, with my own equipment. I do use production partners for things I can’t make myself, like vinyl stickers or enlarged prints, but they are still my designs.