Urban Garden

Tori Christensen is a Houston transplant from Utah beginning her career in the arts. With a blind brother, and as a Braille Transcriber by trade, she tends toward art that could be seen and felt. Textile art is that for her. She creates gardens made of fibers of various textures, designed small enough to be displayed in urban settings such as apartments.

Growing up, Tori used art to cope. As a result, professionally, she has spent most of her life working with the disadvantaged, using art to connect. Whether it was as an Arts Integration Afterschool Program Director, a Life Skills Instructor, a Respite Care Specialist or volunteering on the Pediatrics floor of her local hospital, art was her way in. She is passionate about bringing art to those who may not have easy access to it. Artwork, to her, is an experience that involves more than sight. You can feel the wool, you can smell the flowers, poems can be read.

Art is for everyone.

torichristensen.com @tori_makes

Tori’s Art Valet Interview in THE LEADER